Electronic Systems Design Seminar

JGrafchart: a Java-based graphical language environment for sequences, procedures, and state-machines 

Karl-Erik Arzen
Professor, Lund University, Sweden

Monday, September 23, 2002, 4:00pm-5:00pm
540AB Cory Hall (DOP Center Classroom)


JGrafchart, a Java-based graphical language for sequences, procedures, and state-oriented applications is presented. JGrafchart merges ideas from Grafcet/Sequential Function Charts,
Statecharts, and object-oriented programming. The JGrafchart system consists of an graphical object editor and a runtime system. In the current system the language is interpreted (simulated) within the editor. Embedded code generation is currently investigated. The talk
consists of  an integrated slide presentation and live demonstration of JGrafchart.


Professor in Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden. Research areas: real-time control,real-time systems, domain-specific programming languages, discrete event systems, supervisory control applications. Chair of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Control, Computing and Signal Processing, Vice.chair of IFAC Technical Committee on Real-Time Computing and Control.
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