Jimmy (Zhengyu) Zhang's Homepage

Hello! I am a senior student at the University of California at Berkeley majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This is my resume. I got in Both Berkeley and Stanford. I will stay in Berkeley for my PHD.

This semester, I am doing research in CAD group for Professor Richard Newton.

You can email me at zhengyu@ic.eecs.berkeley.edu .

You can also reach me by calling 1900-LETsTALK. (only $3.99/min)

I was born in Shanghai,China. I came to America 4 years ago at age 18. I now am living in Milpitas, a beautiful city in Bay Area.

I am a 3d GO player. I have been improving my ranking during the entire six years in which I have played this game. I really think I could turn pro some day in my life.

This is one of my best games. I play black. I win by 10 and half points. Time for black to play.My Q: What should be the next move?

I love Chinese Literature. I like classical poem and prose. I read many classical novels including Pilgrim To The West,Dream of the Red Chamber, Three Kingdoms and By the Water Margin . I like philosophy, especially,LaoZi.

My calligraphy works are pretty goodlooking, as you can see.

I decide to put some of my diaries online. Wanna know my secrets?Here they are.

If I have time, I will find some interesting things to think about.

Last updated: March,17,96

Tumbling Duke