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Here is a set of checklists for various aspects of Diva development.


Snapshot checklist

  1. Run the daily build and smoke test (divadmin buildAndSmoke) , and verify that there are no errors. (Including javadoc errors.)
  2. Run the snapshot builder (divadmin buildSnapshot).
  3. If you ran this on a machine that does not have file-system access to any of the pages in DIVAWEBPAGE, copy the snapshot to the right location.

Minor release checklist

  1. No code depends on deprecated classes or methods.
  2. All deprecated code is removed (release 0.1); all deprecated code that is more than one release old is removed (release 0.2 and following).
  3. Run the daily build and smoke test (divadmin buildAndSmoke) , and verify that there are no errors. (Including javadoc errors.)
  4. Run the release builder (divadmin buildRelease x.x).
  5. Run a link checker on the release page (diva/Builds/Release/Web/diva).
  6. Copy the release page into the Diva web page.
  7. Run the download and install test (divadmin testDownload URL).
  8. More....

Major release checklist

  1. Everything on the minor release checklist.
  2. javadoc produces no errors or warnings.
  3. Print and proofread the javadoc output of every package.
  4. More....

Send feedback to cxh at eecs berkeley edu
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