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In keeping with its "simple as possible but no simpler" philosophy, Diva uses makefiles where there can be used easily effectively, and not elsewhere. Basically, makefiles are used:

  1. In the source trees to build compile Java files
  2. In the top-level directory to compile files and to provide a single entry-point for other certain administration scripts
  3. In the doc/ directory to provide an entry point for a couple of administrative tasks

Makefiles are not used in the main part of the documentation tree at all.


Package make rules

Each source directory, whether a package or a sub-package, supports these make rules:

Remove class files, backup files, and core dumps from this directory and all subdirectories.
Compile out-of-date class files in this directory only.
Compile out-of-date class files in this directory and all sub-package directories. The test/ directory will not get compiled.
Compile out-of-date class files in this directory and all sub-directories, including the test/ directory.
Generate an api/ subdirectory containing javadocs for this directory. This is intended only for development use, so you can read the docs as you write code.
Same as package.

Documentation directory make rules

The top-level documentation directory supports these make rules:

Remove backup files, and core dumps from the whole documentation tree.
Build any documentation that needs to be built, such as the Javadoc APIs.

Top-level make rules

The top-level Diva directory supports these make rules:

Remove class files, backup files, and core dumps from the whole Diva tree.
Compile out-of-date class files in all packages, not including the test directories.
Compile out-of-date class files all packages, including the test/ directory of each package.
Compile out-of-date class files in all packages, not including the test directories, and build any documentation that needs to be built.

Makefile checklists

Makefiles can be a pain to maintain. Here are some checklists to help.

After adding a new top-level package, named say diva.foo:
  1. foo/makefile exists and is checked into CVS.
  2. mk/vars.mk has foo added to the PACKAGEDIRS variable.
  3. mk/vars.mk has diva.foo added to the PACKAGES variable.
  4. Running make classes api in foo does not fail and all javadocs are generated.

After adding a new sub-package, named say diva.foo.bar:
  1. foo/bar/makefile exists and is checked into CVS.
  2. foo/makefile has bar added to the SUBPACKAGES variable.
  3. mk/vars.mk has diva.foo.bar added to the PACKAGES variable.
  4. Running make classes api in foo/bar does not fail and all javadocs are generated.

Sample makefile

Here is a sample makefile, for a top-level package.

# $Id: make.html 3136 2001-07-22 22:02:27Z johnr $
# Makefile for diva.foo
DIVA  = ..
include $(DIVA)/mk/vars.mk

# Subpackage directories -- demo last so it compiles last!
SUBPACKAGES = bas raz demo

# Java files in this directory
	Foo.java \

# Include the compilation rules
include $(DIVA)/mk/compile.mk
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