Dynamic Interactive Visualization
Diva website redesign
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Progress so far
Michael Shilman, 28 Jul 1999

I have made a first stab at implementing the changes we discussed. I have created two new directories, newdoc and newweb which will eventually replace the doc and web directories. The HTML files in these directories are devoid of headers/footers/navigation, since this will all be generated using PHP. The structure is my proposed structure for the site. I think it's an amazing improvement over what we had before.

The following changes still need to be made:

  • The headers/footers/navigation still needs to be added to the web page using PHP. Eventually the JavaScripted navigation buttons will be put back in... =)
  • The download page needs to point to the right download files and the right browseable documentation.
  • The package directory in the developer documentation needs to be filled in. Right now there is an index.html but no subdirectories. I think each of us should be responsible for updating our own subdirectories once everything else on this page has been figured out. Divide up the work a little bit.

I think that's it for now.

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