Dynamic Interactive Visualization
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Diva bugs and fixes

Discuss bugs in and fixes for Diva, as a precursor to release 0.3.
Graph/connector bugs Assigned, assigned to Michael Shilman
Sketch revision Not started, assigned to Heloise Hse
Desktop manager Not started, assigned to John Reekie
diva.canvas KeyEvents and MotionEvents Not started, assigned to John Reekie
JPalette sucks Not started, assigned to John Reekie
Finish diva.graph.schematic Not started, assigned to John Reekie
Finish SwingWrapper Not started, assigned to John Reekie
diva.canvas.AttachableFigure Not started, assigned to John Reekie
SketchGraphController Not started, assigned to John Reekie
diva.graph.editor Not started, assigned to John Reekie
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