Dynamic Interactive Visualization
Diva bugs and fixes
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Graph/connector bugs
Michael Shilman, 28 Jul 1999

Status:AssignedAssigned to:Michael Shilman

While trying to fix problems in the Ptolemy schematic editor, Steve and I identified the following outstanding bugs in the Diva graph and connector code.

  1. Grab handles don't understand transform contexts, so when a connector spans two sites that are located in different transform contexts, and is then selected, the grab handles show up in the wrong places. The buggy line is commented in BasicGrabHandle.java.
  2. None of the ConnectorTarget implementatios understand hierarchy, so when you drag an edge over a node nested within a composite node, the edge does not snap to it. I'm not sure if this worked in the previous version, but I think the fix is to make ConnectorTargets understand hierarchy... Comments?

John Reekie, 4 Aug 1999 Status changed to Open. Task assigned to John Reekie.
Stephen Neuendorffer, PhD, 4 Aug 1999 Task assigned to Michael Shilman. Michael and I are going to work on this task this morning.
Michael Shilman, 4 Aug 1999
Michael Shilman, 4 Aug 1999 Category changed to Canvas. Status changed to Assigned. Thigs is way cool... Now let's see if it actually makes me more motivated to fix bugs. =)

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