Dynamic Interactive Visualization
Sketch and whiteboard
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Sketch todo list
Heloise Hse, 6 Aug 1999

Status:CompletedAssigned to:Heloise Hse

1 architecture revision (hard-hat to beta1, interpreters)
  We want to make the architecture less complicated,
  especially the intersection between application and
  high-level recognition.  So that people can easily 
  use our infrastructure to build sketch-based UI for
  their applications.  Right now this line is kind
  of blurry.
2 file formats
  - XML
  - GIF
3 liveboard maintenance
  Get a new pen for the liveboard in the CAD lounge
4 John's tablet
  Try out John's tablet.  We might want to buy
  different kinds of pen and tablets (on a return
  policy), try them out to see which ones we like 
  to use.  Eventually, we might want to supply CAD
  group students with pens and tablets and have them
  be our whiteboard users.
5 whiteboard v1.0
  - save/load (xml)
  - print?
  - export to GIF
  - pen width/color
  - in John's GUI framework
  - on liveboard
  - graffiti support
  - selection/move/resize

Heloise Hse, 22 Oct 1999 Status changed to Completed. Whiteboard application supports export to JPEG instead of GIF, because only JPEG is in JDK1.2. For now I think exporting to JPEG is sufficient. I will look into Java Advanced Imaging for saving to different formats.

graffiti support is not provided in whiteboard because the recognition didn't work that well. Also I don't think it's that important for whiteboard to have character recognition capability. It's probably more useful to provide some structural interpretation.

Other than the two points mentioned above, the rest of the tasks has been completed.

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