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A Site is an object that represents a particular location on a figure. As such, it has a location, accessed by methods such as getX() and getY(). The actual location of the figure is very much dependent on the specific implementation of the figure. In the canvas, sites are generally used in one of two ways:

  1. To represent a location on the figure  that a grab-handle is attached to. When the grab-handle is moved, the grab-handle instructs the site to move, which in turn changes the shape of the figure. This style of usage is described in more detail in the section on manipulators.
  2. To represent a point to which a connector can be attached. A connector is a line that stays connected to two figure when the figures are moved, and the properties of the sites to which it is attached determines to some extent how it behaves when one of the figures is moved. This style of usage is described in more detail in the section on connectors.

These are not the only ways sites can be used. For example, a site could be used to represent a point at which a label could be attached to a figure.

The following diagram shows the Site interface and related classes.

Each site is associated with zero or one figures. (In general, it is associated with one: the only kind of site which is not associated with a figure is AutonomousSite.) In general a figure contains zero or more sites; in the specific case of Connector, it always has a reference to two sites, the head site and the tail site.

Each site may have a normal, which us the angle at which it expects things to attach to it. The angle is "out" of the figure, and it positive in the direction if increasing y-coordinates. Not all figures have a meaningful normal (for example, the site in the center of a figure), so the hasNormal() method tests for this. In addition, some clients will need to test if the normal is on one of the four compass directions (see the documentation for diva.canvas.manipulator.BoundsGeometry), which is the purpose of the isNormal() method.

The class AbstractSite provides default implementations of all of the methods of the Site interface except those shown in the UML diagram as abstract.Specific subclasses are not shown in detail, but perform the following functions:

  • AutonomousSite is the only Site implementation not attached to a Figure, and is used by connectors that are not actually attached to a figure at on end or the other.
  • PerimeterSite attempts to position itself on the perimeter of a figure based on the figure's shape. If the normal of the site is set with setNormal(), the site moves its position so that a line connected at that angle appears to pass through the center of the figure. PerimeterSite currently works correctly for ellipses and rectangles, and will assume a rectangle for any other shape.
  • CenterSite locates itself in the center of a figure's bounding box.
  • BoundsSite is located at one of the four corners and edges of a rectangle. It is used by the manipulators that reshape a figure based on its bounding box, such as BoundsManipulator. The BoundsGeometry class shown is a utility class that contains eight BoundsSites.
  • VertexSite is located at a vertex of an  arbitrary shape. It is used by manipulators that reshape a figure based on its vertices. The PathGeometry class is a utility class that contains a number of VertexSites.

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