photo of Hauke Fuhrmann
Hauke Fuhrmann
    Scientific employee and doctoral candidate at University of Kiel

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Bio:  2001 - 2005 studying of Computer Science at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, with german Diploma degree (~Msc). Diploma Thesis: "Model-Based System Design of Time-Triggered Architectures---An avionics case study"

2005 - 2007 "Dependable Embedded Components and Systems - DECOS" european research project (see ) Workpackage responsible developer in Airbus' avionics subproject: development of an electronically synchronized high-lift flap system.

2007 - ?? Doctoral studies, mentoring of final theses to the topic of enhancing model-based system design: "KIELER - Kiel Integrated Environment for Layout for the Eclipse RichClientPlatform"

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