Various (but certainly not all) bugs have been fixed. In addition: octman: has been improved. octdoc: is a new tool that lists available documentation. bdnet: SPROPs are printed with quotes so they can be read back in. musa: will simlate transistor level schematics. vem: there is no need for .rhosts for local vem rpc applications. parcar: is a new constraint generator for analog circuits. senscalc: is a new tool that computes sensitivity to stray capacitance. There are new m2c_2u pads. There are new sc2 pads. The system has been fixed to make symbolic editing in vem more useful. Specifically (in tech/scmos), tap.views/symbolic, contacts, connector-palette, layers, primitives, and mosfets have been modified. In tap.views, the design rule information has been edited to reflect the fact that the minimum width on NDIF and PDIF is now 3 lambda, rather than 2, and that both wells must be at least 10 lambda, not 9. Also, a 3 lambda well overlap of plug (actually done as a 4 overlap of cons or cops) has been added. In contacts, a few terminals on NWEL and PWEL (nwnw.* and pwpw.*) have been created. The prim tool was modified to create these, and the connector-palette now has NWEL and PWEL terminals (the 3x2 and 4x2 connectors on NDIF and PDIF have been deleted). All the users need to do now to add wells to symbolic layouts is create a path of the appropriate width using the :create command, as with any other layer. Since the 2 -> 3 lambda change also affected the source/drain width, the mosfet and xmosfet primitives and palettes were updated. NOTE: this will have an effect on any layouts already created. For individual cells, sparcs should take care of any violations, but it isn't clear that cell connections will be correct, since the terminal locations may be different. For compatibility, the old 5.1 versions in tech/scmos have been preserved.