EECS 298-11: CAD Seminar Tuesday, March 7, 5pm (NOTE special day) 531 Cory Hall, Hogan Room Software Synthesis for Hardware/Software Co-design of Embedded Systems Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli UC Berkeley Our methodology for control-dominated embedded reactive systems is based on an implementation-independent representation, Codesign Finite State Machines (CFSMs). This representation allows us to preserve semantical correctness throughout the design process, because CFSMs assume unbounded, non-zero reaction delays, that correspond both to hardware and software behavior. CFSMs can be generated from a variety of specification languages, such as Esterel, StateCharts, VHDL, Verilog. Partitioning is user-driven, while our co-design environment performs automatically all other synthesis tasks. We derive hardware directly from CFSMs, assuming single-cycle reaction delays (but pipelining is also allowed by the model semantics). We also synthesize software automatically. Depending on the chosen micro-controller, a real-time scheduler and I/O port drivers are automatically synthesized. We perform system validation by mixing formal verification (made possible by our finite-state model) with simulation (to identify and rule out special cases). In this talk we will concentrate on the synthesis of software programs. Software components for embedded reactive real-time applications must satisfy tight code size and run-time constraints. We propose a software generation methodology that takes advantage of the very restricted class of specifications and allows for tight control over the implementation cost. The methodology exploits several techniques from the domain of Boolean function optimization. We also used a simplified control/data-flow graph as an intermediate representation for optimization and to accurately estimate the size and timing cost of the final executable code. For further reference and a list of the publication: Future Seminars: March 15 - Alice Parker, USC March 22 - Raul Camposano, Synopsys "Higher Level Design Tools" March 29 - NO SEMINAR, due to Spring break April 5 - Dave Patterson, UC Berkeley "A Case for NOW"