Dr. Jose Meseguer

Jose Meseguer received the Licentiate and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from the University of Zaragoza, Spain, in 1972 and 1975, respectively. After holding teaching and research positions at the universities of Zaragoza and Santiago, Spain, UCLA, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and the University of California at Berkeley, he joined SRI International's Computer Science Laboratory in 1980, where he is currently a principal scientist leading the Logic and Specification Group. Since 1984 he has also been a senior researcher at Stanford University's Center for the Study of Language and Information.

His current research interest include: formal executable specification and verification; software composition, reflection and meta-programming; object-oriented specification and software architecture; concurrent and distributed computing; logical frameworks and formal interoperability; and logical and semantics foundations of software.

Dr. Meseguer is an associate editor of the journal "Theory and Practice of Object Systems" and has served as program committee member in many technical conferences. He has given many invited lectures and has taught advanced courses at international conferences, Summer schools, and universities, in the US, Europe, and Japan, and has published over one hundred technical papers.

Email address: meseguer@csl.sri.com

Relevant papers: papers

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