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The diagrams in this document are mostly UML static structure diagrams. These class diagrams are at the conceptual design level rather than the detailed design level. I have adopted a couple of conventions to make the diagrams clearer.
  1. Attributes that are marked as public are not in fact public, but are treated as properties in the JavaBeans sense. For example, the public field shape:Shape means that the class contains a private variable with this name, and the methods setShape(Shape) and Shape getShape(). In Diva, almost all instance variables are private; if they are not, it is noted in the text.
  2. Not all operations in a class have the return type given, and significantly more do not have the argument names and types given. This is to elide unnecessary clutter in the diagrams.
  3. Abstract classes may only show the abstract methods in that class. This will be shown by the method named "..." at the end of the method list, meaning that all other methods that are in an implemented interface are implemented in the abstract class. Sometimes, overridden methods will also be shown to flag different behavior.
  4. A class that does not have its attributes and operations shown is either in another package, or is documented on a different page.

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